FIDOTUTE - A short tutorial on Fidonet Originally written 1994-03-26 as "POINTINT.TXT" by Paul Edwards. This document is released to the public domain. The proper way to get mail, is to get it the same way that bulletin boards get THEIR mail. It is a much cleaner way that either replying to messages online, or using QWK. The mail is sitting there pre-packed waiting for you to "poll" and get it. To use this proper technology, you either need to be a member of fidonet, or a point off a member of fidonet. To become a point, you need to find a sysop who is happy for you to point off him. From this sysop you need to know 3 things. 1. Your point number. 2. Your password. 3. When you can collect your mail. Before you do that, however, you should set up some software that allows you to get the mail. To do this, there are some archives available for download from Ten Minute Limit (phone + 61 2 436 1785, or in Australia, (02)436-1785) that will help you set up FAST for pointing. These are MINPDOS.ZIP (if you want to run under MSDOS), MINPOS2.ZIP (if you want to run under OS/2). If you are really addicted to using your QWK reader, then you should download MINDQWK.ZIP (for MSDOS) MINOSQWK (for OS/2). It is strongly recommended that you abandon your QWK reader in favour of the previous recommendations. Another way is to continue using Telix (assuming you're using Telix), and download TinyPoint (TINYP*.*). Other files that are of interest are: DEVIL*.ZIP - the devil dialer which allows you to do file requests (ie get files from another system without logging on to the bbs). PQWK*.ZIP - converts Fidonet packets into QWK packets and vice versa. FTS*.* - the Fidonet Technical Specifications that define how this software all works. FSC*.* - Fidonet proposals that haven't been approved yet. Z3EL*.* A list of all echos available in Zone 3 (Australasia) NODELIST.* A list of all Fidonet nodes in the world. SYSPOINT.* A list of sysops that allow points POLICY4.* The document that governs what can and can't be done in Fidonet, which you need to follow if you want to become a full member of Fidonet.